Cavemen…The First WFH Workers…
Without question, the World has turned upside down like never seen before. People shelter in place, gain weight, drive less, have more pedestrian accidents. Liquor distributors are having the best year ever and the garbage man is about to have a hernia from lifting the recyclable bin with all of those wine bottles in it. The dog gets grouchy having to share a full day of having humans around without the food bowl being refilled any more frequently and are forced to go for a walk of excessive length like six times a day by every family member.
But none of this should have been a shock to the system if only we had been better students of history. For when we stop and truly think about it…
…Really They Were!
Being a Caveman was not a freebie, everyone had to work. Bruno sold fire…Dronk sold this new thing called the wheel…Stella was in charge of fashion and sold pelts for clothing and Stooge ran the local spear shop and meat market for food. Paco started drawing stuff on cave walls and decorating. For hundreds of years they not only survived, but they flourished, they evolved.
Comparing this, they did all of this without the ability to go to an office, use the Internet, launch an email campaign with follow on commercials on cable, or hire a call center for Telemarketing and Sales.
So What Are We Whining About?
Work From Home has been going on since the dawn of time. We have more tools, more advantages and more access no matter where we are at that any point in Business History. We have an ability to execute and prosper like no time ever – all without the danger of a T-Rex enjoying us for a mid-day snack.
So be a Caveman. Go back to school and be a student of history…Working From Home is Not New. With the new Work From Anywhere Tools we have it’s an advantage to help us prosper like never before!
Now where is that dog Dino…it’s time for a walk.
Your Thoughts…
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